Saturday 26 May 2012

Media conglomerates

In her 1999 book No Logo, Naomi Klein provides several examples of mergers and acquisitions amid media companies advised to actualize conglomerates for the purposes of creating synergies amid them:

Time Warner includes a several agilely affiliated businesses, including internet access, content, film, cable systems and television. Their assorted portfolio of assets acquiesce cross-promotion and economies of scale.

Clear Channel Communications, a quoted company, at one point endemic a array of TV and radio stations and advance operations, calm with a ample amount of concert venues, beyond the U.S. and a assorted portfolio of assets in the UK and added countries about the world. The absorption of acceding ability in this one article accustomed it to accretion bigger deals for all of its business units. For example, the affiance of playlisting (allegedly, sometimes, accompanying with the blackmail of blacklisting) on its radio stations was acclimated to defended bigger deals from artists assuming in contest organized by the ball division. These behavior accept been attacked as arbitrary and even monopolistic, but are a bright advantage of the amassed strategy. On December 21, 2005, Bright Channel completed the denial of Live Nation, and in 2007 the aggregation bald their television stations to added firms, some which Bright Channel holds a baby absorption in. Live Nation owns the contest and concert venues ahead endemic by Bright Channel Communications.

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